Howard Thurman, the theologian and civil rights mentor once said, “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and go do that. What the world needs is more people that have come alive.”

Our true purpose is always something that makes us “come alive.” This is the juice of our lives. By doing it, we express our full Divine Potential…or unique masterpiece. And, because we are connected together in a beautiful web of life, our true purpose, by its very nature, has a positive impact on the world.

It’s no mistake we are here now, at this unprecedented time in history, and awake to a larger reality. The world needs conscious, heart-centered, people committed to helping birth a world that works for everyone. As we do, we live a life of “engaged spirituality.” The more each of us lives our true purpose, the more the world heals. In my book Breakthrough! A Complete Guide for Getting Unstuck and Realizing Your Dreams, my proposed statement of being is, “We are Spiritual Beingness transforming human experience.” We transform human experience when we live authentically from an awareness or our spiritual nature.

So how do we know what our purpose is?  The best way I have found for discovering that is with the Visioning Process.

Rev. Michael Beckwith, who developed this particular process defines visioning as “an intuitive process for opening and sensitizing consciousness to receive Spirit’s vision for one’s life.”

Visioning is a different process than visualization. Visualization can be a powerful tool for focusing our attention on a specific result for the purpose of generating energy around its manifestation. But so often our desires come from the ego. Visioning is more about being in the question and gently allowing an answer to emerge. It opens the door to your unique purpose as well as the gifts that are awaiting your recognition. It works as you open your mind, and your heart, to view yourself from the highest possible perspective. You can then catch the vision of yourself as a magnificent being, here on this earth, at this particular time, for a specific purpose. (You’ll find my guided Visioning Process from the book under the Exercises tab on this website.)

Then once your vision becomes clarified (and it might take a few times through the process) you want to embrace it fully. And commit to living it. And that’s where it gets tricky, right?

You probably know from your own personal experience that growing and expanding your sense of self can be challenging and scary. The ego wants us to stay small, and its voice is loud. When we’re committed to expansion, there will always be moments when we want to jump back into our comfortable little boxes. And yet, there is that Divine yearning within you that keeps you moving forward. Trust that impulse. It will support you the entire way.

And if, while you’re moving forward in the direction of your highest vision, you feel fear at the pit of your stomach – well, we’re going to shift our interpretation of this. You’re going to know that this feeling is an affirmation that you are growing. It’s a signal that you are moving in the right direction. You are stretching. You are spreading your wings and getting ready to take off. Continue to breathe through it and say, “Yes!” knowing that the universe has your back. And if you’re tempted to shrink back and feel that you are not up to the task, remind yourself that you are no longer relying on the little ego-self to meet the challenge. You’re now relying in the Infinite Divine Self within you that is leading the way. Affirm: “I, of my little self, steps back and I allow my larger, Divine Self to lead the way now.”

It is also very helpful to find support during this emergence phase. Consider who might be a true ally in your expansion. How can they support you in realizing your vision? See if you can set up a regular time to connect and support each other. Maybe it’s a supportive “Mastermind Group” where you offer support, encouragement, and share tips with each other. During one of the largest growth spurts in my life, I met regularly with a group of women who were also on a similar journey. We gathered at a favorite restaurant, taking up a whole back corner, and enjoyed a long lunch together as we shared information, tips, tears, fears, and our love and support. I grew tremendously because of it. A decade after we all moved in different directions, I still count each one as an ally and friend. If you don’t have a group like this, create one. It will change your life. Just make sure they are heart-centered and truly have your best interests at heart—and you theirs.

Stay focused in this, and before you know it, you will be living your true purpose and making a big, beautiful difference in the world. We need every one of you!